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Sept. 6, 2023

Episode 253: Coding the Subconscious for Success – Interview Riya Sokol

Episode 253: Coding the Subconscious for Success – Interview Riya Sokol

Episode 253: Coding the Subconscious for Success - Interview Riya Sokol

Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. 

We are inspired by people who help us see the world in fresh ways. We often get stuck in our stories and perspectives, and those stories, many times, limit us. Further more, we don’t often stop to question those stories and perspectives. Let’s take the Corona Virus for example. How many people stopped to look for the positive things that came from our time of seclusion, fear, change and sickness?

My guest today, Riya Sokol, is an internationally acclaimed artist, speaker and viral content creator. She gained widespread recognition for her video poem, “Thank You, Coronavirus.” I’ll play a bit of it for you a bit later in the show. The poem has been translated into dozens of languages and received awards at several international festivals.

Today we’re going to talk about abundance mindset, divorce mindset, gratitude mindset. She’s growing in popularity due to her unique and life-changing approach, so stay tuned to hear our discussion.

Riya, usually we start out with your full story and then talk about the things you’ve learned from it, but as I’ve gone through your areas of expertise, what I want to do is address three topics, and as we get to each topic you can tell us your story about how you came to understand the things you’re teaching us.

First - let’s talk about the subconcious mind: You have been doing research and experiments on the subconscious mind and then helping people realize the potential of our subconscious and how understanding and using it helps us live a deeper life. Let’s start here:

First, tell us your story about how you got involved in this type of research and why you’re qualified to talk about it?

Tune into the audio program to hear her answers.

Second: Let’s talk about abundance mindset. You have been known to say that we each sit in a position of abundance despite our current situation, even if it doesn’t seem abundant. You say, lack only exists if you decide it does.

What is your experience in how you learned this, how you use this?

What do we need to know about how to shift into this mind set?

Tune into the audio program to hear her answers.

Third, You, like me, have gone through a divorce. In that situation you always have a chance to choose to separate in a friendly or unfriendly way. That is a very emotional space to navigate. You and your husband chose to “extend your family rather than break it.” 

Tune into the audio program to hear her answers.

Fourth, You started performing at the age of 6 - and as I understand it, that was a source of anxiety for you. This is a big deal - anxiety, depression, panic attacks. We’d love to hear your insights on these spaced.

Tune into the audio program to hear her answers.

To contact Riya:

Poem performance:


Bio: https://kitcaster.com/riya-sokol/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riya_sokol/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riyasokolcom

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@riyasokol

As you’ve heard me say, many times, all our greatest battles are in the mind. Riya, as a mindset mentor, has given us some incredible tools and insights into continuing our development of our understanding of ourselves and our own power to choose mindset. So glad you could be here with us today.

Join me in two weeks for our next empowering episode. And in the meantime, share the love, do some good by hitting “share” and sending this episode to at least one person in your life who you thing would enjoy or be blessed by this conversation.