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Aug. 9, 2023

Episode 251: How to Overcome Money Block Stories: Insights from Dr. Amanda the Money Healer

Episode 251: How to Overcome Money Block Stories: Insights from Dr. Amanda the Money Healer

Episode 251: How to Overcome Money Block Stories: Insights from Dr. Amanda the Money Healer

When I was growing up we didn’t have a lot of money. My dad was a teacher and we grew up growing our own food in the garden, mom made homemade bread, which now is very cool, but back then it just meant you were poor. My parents were frugal because they had to be and I gained a money mindset of lack. Over the years I’ve spent a lot of time working to shift that - focusing on gratitude and abundance. I’m so grateful for the abundance in my life - for which I have a great deal, but I also know I still have money fears, that I have to focus on generosity at times, that I have a tendency to save money rather than invest it. We all have our perceptions and comfort levels with money. So today I have Dr. Amanda - the Money Healer on the show. Stay tuned and let’s all see if we can take one more step on our money mindset ladder.   What is money mindset? Your money mindset defines how you think about money and influences how you save, how you spend, and how you manage your debt. It's your core beliefs about money and your attitude towards it. This includes: What you think you can and cannot do with money. So this is a topic for everyone because we all use it. Mindset and money have been hot topics, because everyone wants more money and everything in our lives is about what’s going on in our heads - the stories we are telling ourselves.   Dr. Amanda Barrientez - known as "The Money Healer" - is the founder of NFA - No Fooling Around - Money. She’s a bestselling author, an international speaker, the host of The Woman Entrepreneur Podcast, and the NFA Money YouTube Channel. She's been featured on over 150 podcasts, sharing tips on how to up-level your money mindset to manifest easier money in your life and business. Today we’re going to hear her story of going from food stamps to building a 6-figure business. And once she got that figured out she decided to teach people how to transform their relationship to money so they can attract abundance from their Zone of Manifestation™. Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast Dr. Amanda. Join the audio program to hear her story. We talk about the biggest money blocks for people. Her NFA Money Formula Her techniques with Affirmantras, and a lot more.   Buddha said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” As I researched money mindset I found quotes from everyone from Suze Orman, Benjamin Franklin, Brigham Young, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Warren Buffet: They all said, it’s not how much money you make, money is a tool, it’s not where you set your heart but getting money allows you to free up time in order to pursue the things you want - money doesn’t bring happiness, but it gives you time to create your own. They stressed the importance of not spending beyond your means, the importance of letting it work for you. In all the wisdom from these money minds we come back to the fact that money isn’t happiness it’s a tool. But as I’ve discussed, a lack mindset sometimes stops you and keeps you small. I’d like to end today’s discussion with these ideas - Mindset, one of abundance and gratitude has been proven to create such better living by opening to the flow of all good things. Just like we heard about today. I’d also like to tip my hat to the wisdom of being a wise money manager. If you don’t care for your money in the right ways, it won’t matter how much comes to you, it will also flow right out again. How many lottery winners have to prove that? There is a balance of responsibility and a generous flow I think we need to find in our peaceful heart of hearts. We are all in different places of getting to this peaceful relationship with money. Dr. Amanda has a proven 3-step formula to help you begin reprogramming, if that’s something that would serve you. See below. If you enjoyed this episode, or if it made you think, you’re going to love the book I wrote, L.I.F.E. - Living Intentional and Fearless Everyday. Go to Amazon and grab a copy for you and a couple friends, to do the 21-challenges together. This is a full-color book that provides 21 great life hacks you can practice for creating your best life on purpose. See you in two weeks for our next great episode. To contact Dr. Amanda: Check out her proven 3-step formula to begin reprogramming your money mindset now: www.NFAMoneyFormula.com. Check out Dr. Amanda's resources to uplevel your money vibe here: www.NFAMoney.com.