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June 28, 2023

Episode 248: Raising Great Humans – Parenting Hacks from the Gallery

Episode 248: Raising Great Humans – Parenting Hacks from the Gallery

Episode 248: Raising Great Humans - Parenting Hacks from the Gallery

Welcome to the LYS podcast. I’m a mom of two fantastic boys. They’re grown now, in their 20’s and in some ways they are even harder now than they were when they were small. We never stop worrying about them, wanting the best for them. Watching them suffer with hard things is much harder than suffering ourselves. When they were growing up I always followed the Love and Logic parenting model because I wanted to teach them responsibility, how to make choices, how to deal with the consequences of their choices. I’m sure each of you parents have your own favorite parenting styles. I dare say most of us parent with intention. Today’s episode gleans the fabulous parenting quips from past shows and puts them in one place. With this one episode you’re going to get all sorts of parenting value bombs.

So stay tuned for a little parenting pep-talk, ideas and inspiration.

First - We have a Mothering Coach on hand today. In episode 229, Lara Johnson, talks to us about her work coaching mothers for reaching their full potential and being the best moms they can be. Let’s jump right into some of her wisdom….

Here's a link to her full episode. Tune into the audio program to listen to just her clip.


What I hear Lara saying is that moms need to not sell themselves short. We need to take care of us. Honor our dreams and our potential. We are the main engine of our family eco-system, and that engine needs to be acknowledged and taken care of. You can listen to the whole episode and hear about how she sets up systems in the home to do that, Again, that’s episode 229, but this is a great jumping off point for all of us - Taking care of you and your dreams is an important part of living a fulfilling life that keeps you healthy for your kids. I dare say it also sets an example for your kids of the importance of self-care and living your best life.

Second - One of the things kids need is time and priority. In episode 203 - It’s all about family - in my interview with Jason Martin, we talk about his book “This is Your Captain Speaking,” that he wrote for his family, so he could share bits of wisdom with his kids.

Tune into the episode to hear the clip I chose from Martin's episode.

C.S. Lewis agrees with him: "Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work." - C.S. Lewis

Here is Martin's entire interview:


Now, We’ve talked about talking care of us so we can be our best for our children, we’ve talked about making our kids/family our priority, and we’ve heard a bit about the importance of spending individual personal time with each child.

What happens when they enter the teen years and communication gets a little harder?

Third - On episode 236 and 237 I talk with Josh Brazier and Hollie Henderson, authors of Bang Head Here, about how to talk with troubled teens more effectively.

Listen to this episode to hear the clip or go to their full episodes to hear all they have to share. They have part 1 & 2 -



Building communication trust. Wow. That’s a big one. The idea where you don’t go into solving mode, where you listen with curiosity to who your child is and what makes them tick. The safe sounding board….. great advice.

Our last brilliant tip comes from Paul Smith, who is one of the world’s leading experts in business storytelling, a storytelling coach, and bestselling author of the books Sell with a Story (#1 Amazon bestseller in Sales and Selling), Parenting with a Story, and Lead with a Story.

In this clip he shares a story of an experience with his father and how sharing that story with his children helps to give them roots, and life skills. I have to tell you that I really connect with this one because it’s using story to teach. You can got to episode 145 to hear all his story ideas, but listen to this audio program to hear this hand-picked example.

I hope this episode on parenting has given you some new ideas, or reinforced great things you’re doing with your family relationships. Creating your best life on purpose absolutely involves kids, family, parenting - these are our most important relationships to curate with intention.

Join me in two weeks for my interview with Taylor Proctor, a spicy little red head who has what she calls the IMOVE method that teaches us how to lean into curiosity and possibility to create really big dreams.

If you enjoyed this episode, or if it made you think, you’re going to love the book I wrote, L.I.F.E. - Living Intentional and Fearless Everyday. Go to Amazon and grab a copy for you and a couple friends to do the 21-challenges together in this full-color book that provides 21 great life hacks you can practice. You can also find the link to purchase on my website www.loveyourstorypodcast.com. See you in two weeks for our next great episode.