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May 3, 2023

Episode 244: Tips on Connecting with your Man – Interview: Laura Doyle

Episode 244: Tips on Connecting with your Man – Interview: Laura Doyle

Episode 244: Tips on Connecting with your Man - Interview: Laura Doyle

Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast - we are really knocking it out of the park in 2023. This is our 6th year doing the show and I’m so pleased to have collected so many wonderful stories and life tools for all of us to reference and use. SO MANY.

Thanks for being here and continuing to enjoy the show.

Today’s guest is going to blow your mind. Laura Doyle is a New York Times Bestselling Author, she is the star of Empowered Wives on Amazon Prime, and hosts The Empowered Wives Podcast. On her home page it says, “I show women the proven way to fix their relationships without their man’s conscious effort–even if it seems completely hopeless.” That sounds like magic.

Stay tuned for 3 secrets to make your marriage happier and all the relationship magic Ms. Laura can dish out in 30 minutes.

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Are you ready for some incredible power tips? 

New York Times Best Selling author, Laura Doyle was the perfect wife…until she actually got married. When she told her husband how to be tidier, more romantic and more ambitious he avoided her. So she dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. In desperation she asked happily married women for their secrets, and that’s when she got her miracle…the man who had wooed her returned.

Laura wrote a book, to share what she had discovered, and it has been translated into 19 languages in 30 countries, and accidentally started a worldwide movement. 

She is the founder of the International relationship coach training school -called Laura Doyle Connect,she is the star of Empowered Wives on amazon Prime, the creator of The Ridiculously Happy Wife program and the host of The Empowered Wife podcast. She has been on The Today Show, Good Morning America and The View. She has worked with over 15,000 women and helped them fix even the most hopeless relationships.

Join us on the audio program to hear answers to questions like:

1. Let’s start with your story. It sounds like it might start at a place where all women in marriages have been - a space of trying to help your husband be his best self - at least that’s how we see it…. go ahead…

2. What are the most common mistakes women make when they’re trying to get their husband’s attention or affection?

3. How can you get your husband to help more with the house or the kids - the to do list?

4. You have 3 secrets to make your marriage happier - what are those?

5. Sometimes it’s hard to get our men to connect in deep converstation - you’ve got 4 suggestions for us, what are those?

6. You mentioned that there is a way to skyrocket the passion in a relationship, even if you’re in a sexless marriage - what does that mean? Enlighten me…

How to find Laura Doyle:


Skype: laura.doyle44

Telephone: 7147263340

Website: lauradoyle.org

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauramdoyle/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauradoyle.org

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lauramdoyle

Brene Brown defines connection as, “The energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. When they can give and receive without judgement.”

Personal relationships, especially with our significant other, are key to our health and happiness. It is key to a fulfilling life, and things that are important often take a lot of work. Today we’ve had some great tips from Laura. If there are some weak spots in your relationship, start with some of Laura’s advice and see what shifts. It’s always about taking action - things don’t change unless we take intentional action, and today we got some ideas to pay attention to. Choose at least one and impliment it.

Thanks for being here. We’ll see you in two weeks for the next fabulous episode on the Love Your Story podcast.